/ Sponsoring


The WGAS pursues exclusively non-profit objectives. The society is financed by membership fees, proceeds from events and, above all, donations. Every donation counts!

Stiftung Irene

STiftung Irene

An important partnership for us as the Scientific Society Autism Spectrum (WGAS) is the cooperation with the Stiftung Irene, which has been actively supporting our work for several years. Moreover, we have in the board of directors members from 3 important organs in the field of autism in Germany:  

Aspies e.V.

… is a German-speaking association run by people on the autism spectrum with the goal of providing information about autism and participating in research, meetings, and social developments.

Autismus-Forschungs-Kooperation (AFK)

… is an association of autistic people and autism scientists at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. The research results should contribute in the long term to improve the quality of life of people on the autism spectrum.

autismus Deutschland e.V.

… represents the interests of people with autism and their relatives as a self-help association. It provides comprehensive education about the autistic syndrome and the available scientific findings.


With your donation, you make an important contribution with which the WGAS can realize its goals. As a company, you can also support the WGAS by sponsoring a scientific event (e.g. the WTAS), where you can present your company to an expert audience. Please enter your contact details in the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your assistance!

5 + 14 =



Membership application

2 + 10 =



Deutschordenstraße 50

60528 Frankfurt am Main
