We want to provide resources to help you learn more about autism. Feel free to contact us if you know of other resources. 

Research networks


Autism Spectrum Disorders Network (ASD-Net)

… is a research association that explores new diagnostic and treatment options for the autism spectrum. A new, internet-based diagnostic tool is being developed in the “Diagnostic Cluster”. The therapeutic potential of oxytocin is being researched in the “Therapy cluster”.


Autismus-Forschungs-Kooperation (afk)

… is an association of autistic people and autism scientists from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The research results should contribute in the long term to improving the quality of life of people on the autism spectrum.

Autism associations


Bundesverband autismus Deutschland e.V.

… represents the interests of people with autism and their families as a self-help association. He runs comprehensive education about the autistic syndrome and the existing scientific knowledge.


autismus deutsche schweiz (ads)

… is an association that, among other things, makes it possible for children and young people on the autism spectrum to have an adequate school education and make the transition to working life. Today it is the most important organization in the field of autism in Switzerland.


Dachverband Österreichische Autistenhilfe

… is a non-profit organization that emerged from a self-help group of affected parents, which today represents the nationwide coordination center and advocacy group for people on the autism spectrum in Austria.



… the International Society for Autism Research was founded in 2001 and is committed to expanding knowledge about autism by promoting high-quality research. In addition, INSAR organizes the annual INSAR Meeting.


Autism Speaks

… is a non-profit organization that promotes research into the causes and treatments of autism. It is the largest organization in the USA that deals with research into autism-related topics.


The National Autistic Society

… is UK’s leading charity for people on the autism spectrum and their families. It also provides support for better rights and services to create an inclusive society for people on the autism spectrum.


Autism Europe

… is an international association whose main goal is to promote the rights of people on the autism spectrum and to help them improve their quality of life. The organization also hosts the Autism-Europe Congress, which takes place every three years.


World Autism Organization (WAO)

 is an international organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with autism and their families. The organization strives to have members from every continent in the world.


Organization for Autism Research (OAR)

… is an American organization that funds research that improves the quality of life for people on the autism spectrum. The organization is still run by parents and grandparents with children on the autism spectrum.


Aspies e.V.

… is a German-speaking association that is run by people on the autism spectrum and has set itself the goal of informing about autism and participating in research, conferences and social developments.


The Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)

… is a US non-profit organization run by people on the autism spectrum. She advocates for the inclusion of people on the autism spectrum in decision-making processes such as legislation or media representation.



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