We are especially grateful for the support of autistic artists who embellish our conference proceedings each year.
Autistic artists, who would like to make their art available to WGAS can send pictures to In consultation with the artist, the images will be used for the design of the website or conference materials. In case of publication of the pictures by WGAS, the artists will receive a small fee.

Stefan Wepil
Stefan Wepil, born in 1968, studied electrical engineering, is a software developer and works as a clerk in a therapy centre. He finds inspiration for his visionary landscapes in nature, in science fiction novels by Perry Rhodan and in the Star Wars films. Climatic and geological themes also influence the design of his paintings, with a particular focus on light. He paints without templates on paper, linen and wall – “The pictures arise in the mind”.
Petra Lintner
Life with autism can be very colorful. The works of the Viennese artist group Rainman are intended to make this clear. The impressive results of artistic creation and the artists themselves are presented in an artists’ catalog. Petra Lintner, born in 1978, is one of these artists and has been with Rainman’s Home since 1993. When she paints, she thinks about love and pretty people. She likes baking, cooking, running errands and going on trips. With her painting “Budgies” she shows us another preference – the pets in the pet shop.

Noppharat „Dodo“ Photaisong
The painting “Migratory Birds” was created during a workshop of the artist group Rainman at the day care center Semperstraße, 1180 Vienna. The occupation with art and artistic design is an essential aspect of the offers of the very differentiated day structure. The artists have developed individual styles and many therefore create works that are therefore clearly assignable and recognizable. Dodo, as he is called by everyone, was born in Thailand in 1996 and has been living in Vienna with his mother since 2009. He hardly uses any language and is filled with inner tensions. His demeanor is in stark contrast to the cheerfulness expressed in the picture. His daily routine is clearly structured, the biggest problems for him are changes in the expected and in routines. Violent reactions to the slightest deviations always put him in such a state of agitation that he endangers and injures himself and others. The picture can be understood as a view into the peaceful inner part of his world and thus gains even more meaning.
Leon, 15 years old, secondary school student from Göttingen: Leon had the topic “viruses” at school and therefore knows what they can look like. He painted the virus in his favorite colors.

Renato Bobbio-Schabauer
Life with autism can be very colorful. The works of the Viennese artist group Rainman are intended to make this clear. The impressive results of artistic creation and the artists themselves are presented in an artists’ catalog. Renato Bobbio-Schabauer, born in 1987, is one of these artists and has been with Rainman’s Home since 2003. When he thinks of painting, he thinks of brushes, white paint, light and black, red, yellow, green, orange and blue. His painting “Elephants” gives an impression of the wonderful and colorful world of autistic artists*.