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Every year, the WGAS honors researchers who have made outstanding contributions to various areas of autism research. 


The aim of the WGAS is to promote research into autism in all areas of basic and applied science in German-speaking countries. In this context, it is particularly important to the WGAS to honor researchers at different stages of their academic career. This starts with travel grants to visit the WTAS and extends to doctoral grants to support the doctoral thesis, which the WGAS advertises together with the Stiftung Irene.  


The WGAS would like to recognize many years of service to national and international researchers in the field of autism. For such achievements, the company awards the Kanner-Asperger-Medal every two years. The award ceremony takes place at the WTAS. The Board of Directors decides on the allocation. There is no legal recourse against the decision of the board of directors. The next Kanner-Asperger-Medal will be awarded at the 17th WTAS.

Show awardess
  • 2024: Thomas Bourgeron, Paris
  • 2022: Fritz Poustka, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • 2019: Uta Frith, London, UK
  • 2017: Peter Szatmari, Toronto, Canada
  • 2015: Patricia Howlin, London, UK
  • 2013: Simon Baron-Cohen, Cambridge, UK
  • 2011: Catherine Lord, New York, USA


The Scientific Society Autism Spectrum would like to reward innovation and extraordinary achievements of German-speaking young researchers (A, D, CH) working in Germany or abroad (up to 5 years after the dissertation, up to the age of 35, if older possibly prolonging factors can be asserted). The prize is endowed with 500 € and is awarded annually. At the WTAS, the award winner also has the opportunity to present his work to the specialist audience in the form of a lecture. Empirical diploma, master and doctoral theses are awarded as publications in journals. The board of the WGAS decides on the awarding of the prize. There is no legal recourse against the decision of the jury.

Submission is possible now.

Application for the Weber-Bosch Prize

Can you accept the award at the 14th WTAS in Freiburg*?

Have you ever applied for the Weber-Bosch-Award?

Are you over 35 years old and want to make deadline extension factors valid?

If yes, please mark the factors that apply to you and send the corresponding evidence (PDF):

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Show awardees
  • 2023: Melanie Ring, Dresden, Germany
  • 2022: Nico Bast, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
  • 2021: Daria Kasperzack & Bastian Schrott, Marburg, Germany
  • 2019: Stefanie Schelinski, Leipzig, Germany
  • 2018: Gabriela Rosenblau, Washington D.C., USA
  • 2017: Svenja Köhne, Berlin, Germany
  • 2016: Florence Hagenmuller, Zürich, Switzerland
  • 2015: Dana Schneider, Jena, Germany
  • 2014: Dorit Kliemann, Boston, USA
  • 2013: Michael Schmeißer, Ulm, Germany
  • 2012: Christina Schwenck, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
  • 2010: Ellen Greimel, Aachen, Germany

Poster Awards

At the WTAS, the three best posters will be awarded a certificate and prize money (1st place 150 €, 2nd place 100 €, 3rd place 50 €). The award winners are selected by a jury of WTAS participants who are nominated by the WGAS board. The quality of the scientific work as well as the design and presentation of the poster are included in the evaluation.

Submission is possible now.


To promote young scientists, the WGAS awards travel grants for the annual conference. These include the waiver of the conference fee, the fee for one workshop and the payment of a travel allowance of 150 €. Students, graduands, doctoral candidates, assistant doctors and postdocs (up to 2 years after the dissertation) are eligible to apply. One of the travel grants, the Abroad Award, is expressly reserved for applicants from abroad. The WGAS board decides on the selection of scholarship holders, whereby those applicants who have submitted conference papers as first or co-authors are favoured.

For the WTAS, the Diversity Award will also be presented, with which the WGAS honours people who have made exemplary contributions to the coexistence of people with and without autism. The award also includes the waiver of the conference fee, the fee for a workshop and the payment of a travel allowance of 150 €. Applicants must make clear in their application letter how they have contributed to the coexistence of people with and without autism. The WGAS Board of Directors decides on the selection of the scholarship holders, whereby those applicants who have submitted conference contributions as first or co-authors are favoured.
Please note: If you have already received a travel grant / Diversity Award in previous years, it is NOT possible to apply again.

Application for a travel grant

What stage of your education are you in?

Which travel scholarship are you applying for?

Have you submitted your own abstract for WTAS?

Have you ever received a WGAS travel grant to WTAS?

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The  Stiftung Irene, in cooperation with the WGAS, offers an doctoral scholarship. The doctoral scholarship is intended to support empirical doctoral theses on the subject of autism. Preference is given to applicants who investigate a question in which early childhood autism in adulthood is the focus of the work. However, candidates who would like to work on a question with a focus on early childhood autism or high-functioning autism are also invited to apply. Additional income for the scholarship is possible with an average working time of up to 10 hours per week, which must be proven via the tax assessment.

The application deadline is January 31, 2025. 

Application for a doctoral scholarship

Will the doctorate be full or part time?

Do you receive any other income during the doctorate?

Has the university agreed to facilitate the doctoral project?

Is the doctoral supervisor's statement on the exposé available?

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Show scholarship recipients
  • 2022: Daniela Nürnberg, Mainz
  • 2019: Jana Köhler, München
  • 2017: Julia Böhm, Berlin
  • 2016: Birte Wienen, Köln
  • 2015: Natalie Werner, Dortmund
  • 2014: Silke Lipinski, Leipzig
  • 2013: Simone Kirst, Berlin
  • 2012: Fabian Diekmann, Koblenz

The applicant agrees that the WGAS stores and processes the personal data required to carry out the award process in the form of electronic data processing (§28 GDPR).



Membership application

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60528 Frankfurt am Main
