

Here you can submit your contributions from the different fields of autism research for the WTAS.

Abstracts WTAS - WGAS Autismus

Papers will be accepted if they are empirical work in the field of the autism spectrum or if they address issues relevant to this field. Please submit the abstract in the language in which you will present your paper. The preferred congress language is German. Submissions will be accepted via ConfTool, which will also be used to register for the conference.

Abstract submission is possible until 2. December 2024.


Posters will be presented during the poster exhibition, where the presenters will be available for questions and discussion. You will receive further details on poster design and the poster exhibition if your contribution has been accepted.

Short talk

You can present your contribution in a 15-minute short talk (10 minutes + 5 minutes short discussion) at the conference. The presentations will be given in front of all participants. We would like to ask you to present your paper in German if possible.

We ask for your understanding that due to the limited time available, some contributions submitted as a lecture may be converted into a poster contribution. We will inform you later by e-mail about the acceptance of your contribution as a lecture or poster and the guidelines for the formal design.

Please note that you must also register for the conference as an author:in of a paper for a fee.



Membership application

15 + 14 =



Deutschordenstraße 50

60528 Frankfurt am Main
